
Content Creators Spotlight
A new issue of the Content Creators spotlight is here! Enjoy the best videos made by the members of our partnership program.
2023-09-29 13:58:39
PvE Event
Play PvE missions on Normal and Hard to earn the Mauser C96 Custom and Agent "STAB" boxes!
2023-09-28 09:46:24
Updated Battle Pass "Spirits" Now in Game!
An updated Battle Pass season "Spirits" has started in Warface. This time, the BP features a special store, a line-up of daily quests, new rewards, and basic premium access for 25,000 WF$. 
2023-09-28 08:10:59
Agent Corsair Now in Game!
A new agent has joined the ranks of operatives as part of the "Treasure Hunters" season. Check out his story!
2023-09-22 15:35:14
Ranked Matches: "Treasure Hunters" Season #2
The new season sports the standard progression and updated rewards: temporary weapons of the "Lucky Rabbit" series, a box with the Gothic Karambit, a Gothic Skin for the Karambit, as well as unique achievements and a Gothic Knight Charm.
2023-09-14 10:02:48
Character bundles at a discount
Did you miss out on purchasing these legendary characters? Then here’s your chance! Don’t miss out on these excellent bundle deals. Read on to learn the details.
2023-09-07 13:40:07
Update - 07.09.2023
In this hotfix we've fixed a couple of bugs and visual issues.
2023-09-07 13:04:37
Content Creators Spotlight
A new issue of the Content Creators spotlight is here! Enjoy the best videos made by the members of our partnership program.
2023-08-31 13:07:06
Increased Rewards August 25th - August 28th
To compensate for the long maintenance work you experienced on August 24th, the server rates have been increased. Enjoy a boost to your XP, VP, and WF$ gains!
2023-08-25 15:16:34
Agent Calypso Now in Game!
A new agent has joined the ranks of soldiers as part of the "Treasure Hunters" season. Check out her story!
2023-08-25 12:16:08